Are You Ready For Outsourcing?
by Allen Mae Lavina
Friday, April 04, 2008

As more and more business firms are considering outsourcing, this does not mean that you should go with the flow and join the bandwagon right away. Before you consider outsourcing for your business, it is appropriate and inevitable for you to ask whether you are all set for it or not. Also, if you do consider outsourcing, make sure that you know which specific functions only should you outsource. While outsourcing could be a very good move and could pay off well, outsourcing can still be risky.


Consider the present condition of your business. Your company’s needs, functions, limits, baseline costs, to name a few, are the things you should consider when trying to determine if you are prepared for taking another step.


Jenniffer Zaino noted eight signs which can indicate that your company is not yet geared up for outsourcing. You know you’re not all set yet for outsourcing if:



1. You haven't done due diligence on potential vendors.
2. You don't have any plans for managing the relationship on an ongoing basis
3. You don't have your own house in order.
4. You can't compromise on customization.
5. You can't wait - literally - to get to market.
6. Your organizational culture is more about confrontation than collaboration.

7. You won't be ready to move forward aggressively on your plans.
8. Your expectations about cost-savings are unrealistic.
7. You won't be ready to move forward aggressively on your plans.

Posted by Outsource Green
Outsourcing frees up a lot of operational expenses for the companies.  It's the way to go today now that times are hard.  The tips that you've written here are really good.  They will be very hopeful for potential outsourcers. . .

Posted by Offshore employees philippines
Many companies nowadays outsource and hire consultants in order to maintain a flexible workforce.

Posted by employee leasing
Hiring a virtual employee help to reduce cost,  because they don't have any benefits and they work at home.

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