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Tweet? Help write a novel

Tim Greene (Network World)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Famed graphic novelist Neil Gaiman started a novel Tuesday on Twitter and is enlisting others to finish writing it one tweet at a time.

At noon EDT, Gaiman wrote, "Sam was brushing her hair when the girl in the mirror put down the hairbrush, smiled & said, 'We don't love you anymore.'"

Anyone else who wants to add to it can do so by tweeting their contribution and tagging it with #bbcawdio.

Gaiman, the author of the book that sparked the animated movie "Coraline," is carrying out the project in cooperation with the BBC, with the plan to take the first 1,000 tweets and fashion them into a novel.

The novel will be made into an audio book that will be available on iTunes.

Gaiman is the author of the Sandman series of graphic novels and wrote The Graveyard Book, which won the Newbery Medal for children’s fiction.

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