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Retailoring The Approaches To Recruitment

By Lelit Barrios, Hubport Group

There is an imminent need to bring- in fresh agents into the IT industry field and innovative approaches to recruitment should be adapted if this field is to beckon the skilled workmen it needs in the future, as analysts noted.

Presently, the IT field is encumbered with an overhanging talent gap born from abated computer and internet- related course enrollments and inevitably retiring baby boomers in the years to come, and the type of workers the industry needs the most are very hard to come by.

The solution, according to analysts, is for the IT industry to update their recruitment approaches to make It jobs an appealing career option for qualified people who have taken to alternate routes into fields which they think will be a better shot at achieving a succesfull career. If not, the alienation between IT and the rest of the enterprise will never be reversed in the future.

Take positive steps to get the message out that IT work is a worthy career choice, stable and sustainable. Post ads in reputable sites seeking for qualified, intelligent, and motivated people who are eager for advancement and willing to work hard. The truth of the matter is, the IT field is very fast paced and these changes need to be supported by providing a multitude of mentoring and internship, constant long hours, weekend work, and on- call holidays. Thus, an attractive work benefit scheme should come with the offer. IT companies should purposely aid it`s employees in maintaining a better work and life balance to avoid recruitment issues. 

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