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BPO targets $13B worth of earnings by 2010

By Emmanuelle Gomez
The Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP) finds the $13B worth of earnings to be an achievable target in ten years time.

The attainment of this goal would mean that a total of $6.7 billion worth of annual salaries can be distributed to the various sectors of the Philippine economic system.

Positive projections on the BPO industry's ability to produce such revenue target, alongside its aim to employ one million Filipinos by the year 2010, came with the statistics that marked a 50 percent growth in the BPO industry in the last three years.

This foresight have led BPO executives to appeal to both the local government and education sectors to focus more on improving the Philippine education system and curriculum as local talents are considered to be highly detrimental to outsourcing success.


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